Press Release: PCAN-Explorer Update 6.4.0
PEAK-System Technik has released a new update for their professional software, PCAN-Explorer 6, for working with CAN and CAN-FD Fieldbuses.
Control Technologies UK Ltd is proud to be the distribution partner for PEAK-System within the UK. PEAK-System Technik is a leading provider of hardware, software, and services for the mobile and industrial communication sector with an emphasis on the field buses CAN and LIN.
PCAN-Explorer 6 is an industry-leading software tool for the analysis, simulation and recording of CAN data, able to connect to several CAN and CAN FD buses at the same time.
PEAK-System offers add-ins that provide even better opportunities to influence data. The Plotter produces a graphical representation of the signals‘ time course by live recording or on the basis of traces. The Instruments Panel is used for an own arrangement of various displays, controls, and switches. Further add-ins enable the import of third-party configurations based on the CANdb format and add the support for the J1939 protocol.

The newest software release, 6.4.0, provides a range of bug fixes and updates including the following changes and improvements:
- Enhanced layout and display options for the Transmit / Receive windows
- Added new properties, possibilities, and methods of the Automation interface
- Added new option for relative and differential timestamps in Trace windows
- Major improvements for the PCAN-Symbol Editor:
- Greatly improved speed when working with large Symbols files
- Added support for High-DPI displays
- Added new possibility to define an Enum as a bit mask
- Added support for newer ARXML file formats
- Major improvements of the J1939 Add-in:
- Updated the database to the revision from July 2020
- New possibility to reject incoming TPCM.RTS messages for specific PGNs so that a TPCM.ConnAbort is sent to reject the data transfer
- Includes new experimental J1939 DTC Monitor Add-in that can be used to display and request Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and other diagnostic messages (Windows® 10 required)
- When specifying a Manufacturer Code for the J1939 NAME field, a new Lookup dialog box can be displayed to search and select a Manufacturer Code from a list of all registered manufacturers
Control Technologies UK (CT-UK) is a leading control systems integrator and solutions provider, specialising in Intelligent Machine Systems. Control Technologies UK Ltd offers a wide range of PCAN-Explorer 6 software and add-ons for purchase online, ensuring that you can find the best PEAK-System solution to suit your unique project requirements, across a wide range of industries.
Control Technologies UK Ltd – 10/11/2020